Tag: Injection Site

  • Sign The Petition!

    The Greater Harlem Coalition has just launched a petition on Change.org: New York State’s Assembly and Senate Members should reject The Safer Consumption Act, bill s399/a338, unless the following 6 Safety Guardrails are added to the bill. Harlem’s supervised injection site is located two blocks away from 9 schools with +4250 students and nearly 4000…

  • Sign The Petition!

    The Greater Harlem Coalition has just launched a petition on Change.org: New York State’s Assembly and Senate Members should reject The Safer Consumption Act, bill s399/a338, unless the following 6 Safety Guardrails are added to the bill. Harlem’s supervised injection site is located two blocks away from 9 schools with +4250 students and nearly 4000…

  • Community Harm Reduction

    Community Harm Reduction

    The Greater Harlem Coalition’s Response to the Supervised Injection Site’s Partial Data For Their First Year In Harlem New York’s Nonprofit Media has released some of OnPoint’s data for year one of operation in East Harlem and Washington Heights (November 2021 to 2022): The Greater Harlem Coalition firmly supports compassionate intervention and the goal of saving…

  • Join The HNBA October Meeting, Tonight at 7pm

    Join The HNBA October Meeting, Tonight at 7pm

    We’ll be discussing the future of HDFCs with Joshua Clennon, the Metro North viaduct replacement, and the 2nd Avenue Subway with MTA. All welcome. Topic: HNBA MeetingTime: Oct 11, 2022, 7:00 PM Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/86007913627?pwd=YkhWa2JDaERvUnBEWVh1SS9IVktMZz09 Lenox Ave. Prepares for Halloween Join MMPCIA on Saturday, October 22nd in beautifying and decorating the central median on Lenox…

  • TODAY’s September HNBA Gathering Will Be At 6 PM, At East 129th Street and 5th Avenue

    TODAY’s September HNBA Gathering Will Be At 6 PM, At East 129th Street and 5th Avenue

    Today – September 13th (Tuesday) at 6:00 – you’re invited to gather at East 129th Street and 5th Avenue (south-east corner) to celebrate the unveiling of Ann Petry Place. The acclaimed African-American author, Ann Petry, lived at 2 East 129th Street when she engaged in much of her activist writing for African American newspapers such…

  • Mayor Adams Continues to Back Injection Site Opening 24/7

    Mayor Adams Continues to Back Injection Site Opening 24/7

    Mayor Eric Adams voiced support for extending Harlem’s safe injection site’s hours to a 24/7 operation in May on Twitter. Since then, OnPoint (the provider that runs the Harlem injection site) has maintained a steady lobbying effort to operate around the clock. 10 months later, while there is still no data showing any decline in…