Tag: Central Park
Enroll in the Rat Academy (yes, it’s a thing)
You have likely heard (and perhaps seen) that rats have made a comeback in the COVID era. With so many restaurants closed, or open in a reduced presence, rats have had to head toward residential garbage for their food needs. In New York City, property owners are required (PDF) to keep their properties rat-free and address conditions…
Reminder: 25th Precinct’s Community Council Meeting Tonight at 6 PM
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/81120463238?pwd=VDdzd1UrR2NYbTYwSHRSdzE1Ui9zQT09 Meeting ID: 811 2046 3238Passcode: 2525PCC The Central Park U-Boat Untapped New York has a great piece on the captured German U-boat from WW1 that was brought to Central Park for display as a War Bonds promotion. Proof of the purchase of War Bonds allowed entry into the U-boat: When reading the…