25th Precinct Community Council Meeting on Wednesday

This is just a reminder that the next 25th Precinct Community Council meeting will take place on Wednesday, March 17th at 6:00PM.  So before you sit down to enjoy your Cornbeef and cabbage in honor of St. Paddy’s day join us for a few minutes to hear what’s been going on in and around the community, to discuss public safety matters within the 25th Precinct and some other important discussions.  Although we have some special guests that will be joining us we promise to have a quick, yet informative discussion tackling your concerns.  

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 830 7835 0320
Passcode: 459808

Where is the Most Market Rate Housing?

Public Housing Density

Owner Occupied Housing

Source: https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/hpd/downloads/pdfs/wwl-plan.pdf

The “Harlem of the North”?

While we’ve all heard the phrase “Paris of the…”, or maybe the “Venice of the…”, but I’d never heard the term “Harlem of the North” before this article from the New York Times on a Quebecois priest vs. Oscar Peterson:

On a recent day in Little Burgundy, once known as “The Harlem of The North,” local residents lamented that the social history of Black Quebecers was noticeably absent or underplayed in Quebec’s history books, popular culture and urban spaces, and overshadowed by the struggle of white, French-speaking Quebecers for their own rights.

For more, see: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/10/world/canada/oscar-peterson-montreal-little-burgundy.html
