(For FY 2022 District Needs & Budget Requests)
Each year Community Board 11 (CB11) compiles a Statement of Community District Needs (SDN) that is submitted to the Mayor’s Office as part of the City’s budget process. CB11 wants to hear what you’d like NYC to focus on regarding funding in your neighborhood.
CB11 is seeking input from its constituents (individuals that live, work, or have an otherwise significant interest in this community) to help determine the greatest needs in our district and determine budget priorities.
The following survey is organized by policy area and should take no longer than 10 to 15 minutes to complete. Please provide a clear written explanation for each response and be sure to include specific location information (i.e. address, site or cross street references), when applicable.
And, to have more of an impact, attend the (Zoom) meeting and voice your priorities at the CB11M Full Board & Public Hearing on Draft FY 2022 Statement of District Needs – Sep 22, 2020 06:30 PM
Register to attend the Public Hearing here
137th Street Block Clean Up
If you’d like to get out and meet some neighbors up on 137th Street, they are holding a block clean up (rather than a block party) on Labor Day. All welcome. Details on the flyer (below):