Children Tested With Elevated Lead
How Calculated: Number of children less than 6 years old tested in a given year with blood lead levels of 15 mcg/dL or greater, divided by the number of children less than 6 years old who were tested for lead poisoning in a given year; expressed as cases per 1,000 tested. The numbers in this table…
MMPCIA Children’s Safety Protest
Public Art at PS109
Ephesus Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Some great stonework on the outside of Ephesus Church – Lenox and West 124th Street. And Underground… A short distance north, and under the street, are these great mosaics: Faith Ringgold is the artist behind these amazing works. Ms. Ringgold took inspiration for the title of her mosaic from a Lionel Hampton song, Flying Home.…
You may have heard that the American Museum of Natural History has reopened its minerals and gems hall to universal acclaim. On a recent visit to The Mignone Halls of Gems and Minerals, the exhibits tell the fascinating story of how the vast diversity of mineral species arose on our planet, how scientists classify and…
Kente Royal Gallery
Make sure to take a moment to visit the Kente Royal Gallery on ACP at 139 to see Elan Cadiz’s work on Scaffold: The Equality of Treatment: https://www.kenteroyalgallery.com/gallery The current exhibit there from Scaffold: Equity of Treatment 2020 – ongoing Scaffold: Equity of Treatment is about the importance of self-reflection and preservation and how these…