Tag: Lexington Avenue

  • Terrorist Bombing in Harlem

    Terrorist Bombing in Harlem

    In 1914, an otherwise non-descript tenement in East Harlem looked like this: The location is on Lexington Ave. near 103rd Street East, and remarkably, they repaired this damage – rather than tear down the building (admittedly, the building was only 4 years old at the time – it was built in 1910): At 9:16 a.m.…

  • Pathmark


    Patch’s Nick Gaber is reporting that Extell (the developer that owns the property at Lex/125 where the former Pathmark used to be), is proposing a mixed commercial and residential building for the 3rd Avenue side of the block. The west side of the block – the Lexington Avenue side – would be used by the…

  • 119th And Lexington

    119th And Lexington

    There is a wonderful view of Lexington Avenue looking north from 119th Street on sale on Ebay: Click HERE to see the listing. The 8″ x 10″ glass negative has a huge amount of detail. Just look at the top image of how the sign for 119th Street wraps around the streetlight so the street…

  • The World Beneath Your Feet

    The World Beneath Your Feet

    311 is an amazing resource. One of the unheralded things it can address is if a manhole isn’t well seated, and makes a characteristic Clang-Clang as cars drive over it. If you live on a block plagued by this sound and want it to stop, 311 is your resource. Utility companies and government agencies have…

  • Poop and Harlem’s Hidden COVID Numbers

    Poop and Harlem’s Hidden COVID Numbers

    In September 2020, New York began to sample and test wastewater at New York City’s Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) wastewater plants for COVID-19. If you recall an earlier post on wastewater and New York – https://hnba.nyc/where-does-my-sewage-go/ – you may remember that virtually all of Harlem’s wastewater (basically anything that goes down your drain or…

  • Subway Stress

    Subway Stress

    Every day that New Yorkers and visitors ride the subway, some of them review their experience. You may have done this, or can imagine doing this – reporting on cleanliness, complaining about a late train, noticing rats, etc. A company called FleetLogging collated Google reviews of subway stations and used a social media analysis tool…

  • HBCU College Fair for Harlem Teens

    HBCU College Fair for Harlem Teens

    If you have, or know of a Harlem teenager, make sure to encourage them to attend the upcoming HBCU College Fair on June 5th 2021 12-4 pm in Harlem St. Nicholas Avenue between West 122-West 123 Street!  Imagine a World without COVID! If you know an un vaccinated teenager, send them to Marcus Garvey Park…

  • Power Outages

    Power Outages

    Last month’s power outages in Texas (Thanks deregulation!) led to the exponential use of a previously obscure website that tracks (nationally) power outages. This might be a good site to bookmark, although, the obvious ‘If the power is out, how are you going to look at it?’ question applies: https://poweroutage.us/area/regions The site shows states with…

  • Drugs and Children

    Drugs and Children

    I Walk on Water Filmmaker Khalik Allah has a new film – IWOW: I Walk On Water – coming in at a massive 200 minutes. As with earlier work, Allah returns to Lex/125 and films a hallucinatory portrait of the men and women of the M35, K2, mental illness, and homelessness: Since 2011, filmmaker and…

  • Ruth

    The Smile New images and marketing material from The Smile. Luxury at Lex/126. The design of the building slopes inward as it rises upward, providing great views of the Harlem River and Manhattan skyline. The cantilevering footprint over 125th Street allows for a mix of apartment sizes layouts, while the facade’s interlocking checkerboard pattern gives every unit…