Tag: Invasion

  • It’s 2021: Who Has the Money?

    November 2021 will be a pivotal election year for the city. City Council candidates are busily fundraising to get their names out in races currently held by Bill Perkins and Diana Ayala. Diana Ayala is the only candidate in her district to get matching funds. She’s received over $82,000 of these matching funds. In Bill…

  • Odyssey House – Coming to East 126

    Odyssey House is building (first knocking down) 52-54 East 126th Street and reimaginging it as a ~20 single unit supportive housing facility. Graduates of Odyssey House programming will live on East 126th Street who have progressed beyond transitional housing. This new building will act more like a normal rental where tenants have individual and renewable leases.  Odyssey…