Tag: Harlem Grown

  • Growing Kale in a Shipping Container

    Growing Kale in a Shipping Container

    CBS reports on Harlem Grown – an organization that seeks to harvest fresh food for families facing hard times. The 11 year old organization is trying an experimental farm in a shipping container, here in Harlem https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/harlem-grown-shipping-container-grow-house/ “The average head of lettuce in the U.S. is traveling 2,500, 3,000 miles. This one’s traveling 25 feet,”…

  • Kente Royal Gallery

    Kente Royal Gallery

    Make sure to take a moment to visit the Kente Royal Gallery on ACP at 139 to see Elan Cadiz’s work on Scaffold: The Equality of Treatment: https://www.kenteroyalgallery.com/gallery The current exhibit there from Scaffold: Equity of Treatment 2020 – ongoing Scaffold: Equity of Treatment is about the importance  of self-reflection and preservation and how these…