Tag: First Peoples
Tell NYC What You Think the Budget Priorities for CB11 Should Be
CB11 is collecting your opinions on what the city should budget for our community. Here is a quick Google Form for you to fill out. HNBA has already submitted a larger statement, but you can offer your own thoughts/ideas below: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdI4pwQMMuSCoAzc4xucERaaF9u2XhvA-IuDySoMkrrajy-Ew/viewform How Old is Harlem, Anyway? From the beginning we need to acknowledge that the…
Henry Hudson
In 1609, on September 13th, Henry Hudson weighed anchor at West Harlem on his way up what would become known as the Hudson River: [September 13]The thirteenth, faire weather, the wind Northerly. At seuen of the clocke in the morning,as the floud came we weighed, and turned foure miles into the Riuer. The tide being…