Tag: EMS

  • Cheerleading vs. Critical Thinking

    Cheerleading vs. Critical Thinking

    On June 6, 2021, New York City launched a pilot program in which both mental and physical health professionals are responding to 911 mental health emergency calls. This new approach, called B-HEARD – the Behavioral Health Emergency Assistance Response Division attempts to treat mental health crises as public health problems, not public safety issues B-HEARD…

  • Tell NYC What You Think the Budget Priorities for CB11 Should Be

    CB11 is collecting your opinions on what the city should budget for our community. Here is a quick Google Form for you to fill out. HNBA has already submitted a larger statement, but you can offer your own thoughts/ideas below: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdI4pwQMMuSCoAzc4xucERaaF9u2XhvA-IuDySoMkrrajy-Ew/viewform How Old is Harlem, Anyway? From the beginning we need to acknowledge that the…