Tag: Community Districts

  • 3rd Avenue Bridge

    A charming stereoview showing the 3rd Avenue Bridge is for sale on eBay for $10: https://www.ebay.com/itm/154176687581?ul_noapp=true Notice the clock-tower in the back-right, indicating that we are looking from Harlem, north, towards the bronx. The woman’s outfit, the horse wagon and the Belgian block paving all add to the charm. Join Your Community Board 2021 Community…

  • Update on Mayor Visit of 125 Street

    Update on Mayor Visit of 125 Street

    Read the updates from elected officials regarding actions taken to address quality of life and safety issues on 125th Street.

  • Opioid Treatment Deserts

    With new data from a recent FOIL request that was submitted to the NYS Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) we wanted to map the inverse of what people typically map – the absence of something. In particular, we were interested in learning which Community Districts in New York don’t have any OASAS…