Tag: Annus Horribilis 2020

  • BLM+COVID-19 in 2020

    BLM+COVID-19 in 2020

    The Museum of the City of New York has a new exhibit about the New York response/experience of COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter protests. This timeline is worth watching and remembering just how fraught 2020 was (oh, and it had, perhaps, the most consequential presidential election in our lifetime…?). To order tickets to the…

  • CB11 Votes for a 12 Month Drug Program Moratorium

    CB11 Votes for a 12 Month Drug Program Moratorium

    Nick Garber reports in Patch on the vote in Community Board 11 to try a 12 month moratorium on the siting of new drug programs in the districts. https://patch.com/new-york/harlem/drug-clinics-face-scrutiny-harlem-residents-push-back The moratorium also asks for more data from the Office of Alcohol and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS) to explain why East Harlem has been packed with…