Spatial Equality NYC – The Wild News

The truly off the charts…

Spacial Equality NYC provides an easy-to-use online tool to explore how our community compares to the rest of NYC in a wide range of environmental, health, and infrastructure concerns. Here are the areas in which Harlem is doing better than the city’s average(s):

Our bus speeds are horrible. The MTA and the city really need to look at this. Busses should not be this slow:

On the flip side, Harlem residents’ access to parks is well, well above the city average. Most of us can reasonably walk to a park:

Noise pollution? Wow, Harlem is a quiet community – much, much quieter than other NYC neighborhoods:

Traffic fatalities? Wow, Harlem is really doing well here (not, of course, that any fatality is acceptable) in comparison with many other (clearly) more dangerous neighborhoods:

Last Day for East Harlem Toy Drive
