Council Member Kristin Jordan Does Not Apply for Participatory Budgeting Funds
Harlem’s City Council Member Kristin Jordan has not applied for Participatory Budgeting money. As a consequence Harlem residents will not be able to propose exciting community projects that should be funded, nor will they then be able to democratically choose which of the proposed community project should receive funding.
Through Participatory Budgeting in New York City (PBNYC), community members — like you — directly could have decided how to spend at least $1,000,000 if Council Member Jordan had agreed to be a participating Council District.
PBNYC funds physical infrastructure projects that benefit the public, cost at least $50,000 and have a lifespan of at least 5 years. Local improvements to schools, parks, libraries, public housing, streets and other public spaces can be funded through this process.
For more information on participatory budgeting, including how to get involved, visit
Listen to the Council Member’s report on Participatory Budgeting to Community Board 10.
KRJ – No Participatory Budgeting For Harlem
Note how non-Harlem neighborhoods are actively submitting ideas on how to spend $1,000,000 in their communities while Harlem is left out:
To see the full map:
HNBA’s October Meeting Zoom
If you couldn’t make our October HNBA meeting, here’s the link to view the Zoom:–bF2fBnMsZAhl41C9ddga5n63SNsMtpHFuJi5-CUGoyOSYbrIFGca69kuiUt2P.Yl1fjvWnFXR1WG_I?startTime=1665528513000
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