MMPCIA Meeting Tonight

MMPCIA Meeting Tonight at 6:00

Here’s the Zoom link:

Redistricting NYC’s City Council

With state and congressional redistricting dominating the headlines, we want to make you are also informed about the council redistricting process, which is currently underway. 
You are invited (on May 17th at 7pm on Zoom) to a presentation and training on council redistricting. The training will last 45 minutes with 15 minutes for questions. You can register for the training here.
 The training will include:

The basics of Council redistricting.
Why engaging in the Council redistricting process is important.
An overview of the process and the criteria used to draw the maps.
How to look at and create your own maps.
How to testify before the Council’s Districting Commission.
The essential elements of an effective testimony.

Considering the impact of new district boundaries, we welcome you to get involved and make your voice heard. See more information about our work at
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email
