In one of her first acts as a city council representative, Kristin Jordan was one of only 2 city council members who did not vote for Adrienne Adams the first Black City Council Speaker in the history of New York City. Jordan was one of only two colleagues to vote against Adrienne Adams.
In her speech, Adrienne Adams singled out the impact that two Harlem legends had on her and on all African Americans fighting for change and justice in America:
One of my mentors is in the room this afternoon: the pioneer who paved the way for me and so many other African American women to both lead and succeed, the one and only Dr. Hazel N. Dukes, President of the NAACP New York State Conference.
Next to her I want to acknowledge another mentor, someone who has been a stalwart for change and justice in New York City, the Reverend Al Sharpton. I am a proud member of the National Action Network and grateful for his leadership over the years.
You can read Adrienne Adams speech, here:
Winter’s Here
And with the weather, here is a great 19th-century image of a Harlem scene.