I Can’t Be Caught

For a few glimpses of Metro North’s 125th Street Station in the 1990’s, check out these stills from Marshall’s that were suggested by one of our readers.

The grimy yellow brick commercial building between 130th and 131st Street (and Park Avenue) is and abandoned and gritty last view of East Harlem before the MTA train goes over the Harlem River:

These days the building has been restored and is used primarily by Cayuga Centers – a child welfare organization:

Nonprofit Organization for Children and Families

Cayuga Centers is a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping children, families grow through quality counseling, out-of-home care, and support services.


On the left of the train (west of the train) you can see the distinctive architecture of IS 201:

Not too much has changed, other than the fencing in between the trapezoidal columns:

Wesley Snipes jumps onto a moving train, running with the Lee Building (Park/125) to his right:

Close observers will note that this scene – allegedly at the top of the Lee Building – clearly doesn’t exist:

Note the tall apartment building that doesn’t exist in East Harlem, and the McDonald’s arches in the bottom left.

When the train has to be included in the shot, we get legitimate views of East Harlem. The view below shows North General Hospital, before it closed, expanded, and became the Henry Carter Specialty Hospital:

North General Hospital – Wikipedia


Note how Maple Court (Madison Avenue between 123 and 122) is built and occupied. Maple Plaza (Madison Avenue between 124 and 123) is under construction.

Here’s the link to the full clip:

YouTube video by John Maverick
U.S. MARSHALS [1998] Scene: “I can’t be caught!”/Train escape.

East Harlem Little League (No Cost)

East Harlem’s Little League is TOTALLY FREE. They only require the young people to have their own cleats – and if that is a struggle, they’ll try to help with that as well.

We welcome young people to register using the QR code on the flyer (above).

We will be hosting an orientation at the Boys’ club in March
