Two stereoscopic views looking northward on Harlem Speedway (Harlem River Drive) from around 181st Street.
The bottom image captures the finale to a race (note the man lying on the rockface to the left).
The top image shows just how wide the Speadway was.
In both images, note the domed building on a bluff, in the Bronx. This is now part of Bronx Community College, but at the time was part of NYU when NYU was thinking about moving out of the crowded Washington Square area, for more space and wealthier environs in The Bronx (just as Columbia moved uptown to the Upper West Side). The Bronx Community College building features a rotunda with sculptures of “Great Americans” and is open to the public
Halloween Is Coming!
Join Harlem Mothers and Fathers SAVE (Stop Another Violent End) celebrate Halloween: