Henry Hudson

In 1609, on September 13th, Henry Hudson weighed anchor at West Harlem on his way up what would become known as the Hudson River:

[September 13]
The thirteenth, faire weather, the wind Northerly. At seuen of the clocke in the morning,
as the floud came we weighed, and turned foure miles into the Riuer. The tide being done wee
anchored. Then there came foure Canoes aboord : but suffered none of them to come into
our ship. They brought great store of very good Oysters aboord, which we bought for trifles.
In the night I set the variation of the Compasse, and found it to be 13.degrees. In the afternoone we weighed, and turned in with the floud, two leagues and a halfe further, and anchored
all night, and had fiue fathoms soft Ozie ground, and had an high point of Land, which shewed
out to vs, bearing North by East seuen leagues off vs.

Robert Juet, Hudson’s first mate’s diary contains the (above) entry.

Help Manhattan Community Board Determine What Your Budget Priorities Are

Manhattan Community Board 11 is seeking your input to help determine East Harlem’s greatest needs and budget priorities for the upcoming fiscal year. You can participate in the annual budget process in the following ways:

  1. Fill out the Public Input Survey by Friday, September 25, 2020. Access the survey here: https://forms.gle/BEVYsJZnf97UzoTA9
  2. Testify at the Public Hearing on Draft FY 2022 Statement of District Needs. The hearing will occur during our Full Board meeting on Tuesday, September 22, 2020 at 6:30 PM.

    Register to attend here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/3615998323216/WN_bZqKJAOrQASa1DzCjdF34Q
  3. Submit written testimony on the Draft FY 2022 Statement of District Needs to mn11@cb.nyc.gov by Friday, September 25, 2020.

For more information, please contact the community board office at
(212)831-8929 or mn11@cb.nyc.gov.
