Uptown Grand Central will be hosting COVID testing and flu shots today at Fresh Food Box from 12-5 p.m.
The tests are the swab tests, and for those you can get results back in three days. They’ll also have the rapid tests available, with results back in 15 minutes. The swab tests are free, and the rapid tests have an additional fee ($100).
If the testers get enough foot traffic, Uptown Grand Central may be able to get the van to return with us for future weeks.
Take care & mask up!
25th Precinct Community Council – Tonight
Kioka Jackson writes:
Hope you all are enjoying the chilly weather.
Just wanted to remind you about tomorrow’s meeting which will begin at 6:00PM. Just as a point of clarity because of the rising COVID numbers we have decided not to do the hybrid meeting where we would have some people in-person and others join virtually. This meeting is totally virtual via Zoom. Hopefully, soon we will go back to some kind of normalcy where we can come out and enjoy a handshake or a hug. Our goal is to keep everyone safe and healthy.
Because we have recently received a good number of questions and concerns around sanitation issues in our community we invited DSNY to be a part of this conversation. Please have your questions ready. We will try our best to get to everyone. It is very important that we try to use the Zoom functions (Blue Raise Hand, Chat, and Mute) so that we can acknowledge everyone most effectively.Join Zoom Meeting
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86235160120?pwd=dXNTVnNkbTJ1RGk5NktnSnNlTkpHQT09Meeting ID: 862 3516 0120
Passcode: 252020
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Meeting ID: 862 3516 0120
Passcode: 252020