Climate Change

When Harlem residents recall Irene, Sandy, and Irma – storms that have battered our city over the last decade – it’s clear that we are not only vulnerable here in Harlem, but the storms are going to keep on coming.

The US Army Corps of Engineers has been thinking about America’s largest city, and our position on numerous waterways, and has drafted a plan to better protect our city from the worst storms. The new report that came out last month envisions that the coast of East Harlem be fortified to protect our community from massive storm surges.

As you can see, the proposal for our community mostly consists of Elevated Promenade and Floodwall between the FDR/Harlem River Drive, and the Harlem/East Rivers.

Here is the full report:

Free Financial Advice

Sinergia Inc. (based in East Harlem) is hosting a free financial counselor at our office to help those who are seeking free financial advice from ARIVA.

Ariva works under the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs to offer these services and we have about 10 openings for scheduling on 10/26.

Please see the link to our calendar with more event details.
