Here’s How to Have Your Say in the Process:
- Here are all the slides from the HNBA power point presentation on redistricting of City Council seats.
- Here is the Redistricting Commission website – The website will have the most up to date information on the process, as it unfolds.
- The Staff memorandum has a good overview of why they chose the lines they did ten years ago
- Here is a mapping software called representable, which allows you to create your own maps, including the population counter.
- One tool that is user friendly for people already comfortable with Google is the google map software. That said, the google software does not include a population counter. There is also DistrictR
- Click here to view the NYC population fact finder tool, which allows you to view demographic data for specific census tracts and other geographic parameters. It also allows you to create your own map, which can allow you to see the demographic data for any areas of interest.
- Click here to see demographic data for your City Council district, and view how it has changed since the last census.
- Click here to look at the website “redistricting and you”, which allows you to compare the old council lines with new proposals. It also allows you to look more at the dynamics of your district.
- Click here to read Citizens Union’s full report on the council redistricting process.
- Here is a recording of a training given to a group in Manhattan last month. It can be sent to people who missed HNBA’s training, but still want to find out more.
- Here is Citizens Union’s NYC Council redistricting website which will include everything in this email, plus additional resources as the process unfolds.
- Testimony Submission: If you would like to submit written testimony, you can do so by emailing PublicTestimony@redistricting.nyc.gov at any time.
Maya Angelou – 117th Street