Bill Perkins

Harlem’s 125th Street BID remembers Bill Perkins

Pictured l to r: Joyce Stephens (then NYPD 28TH Precinct Commanding Officer, Barbara Askins (BID) William Perkins (City Council) at a BID’ Fund Raiser — Sports and Fashion Gala .
Councilmember Perkins was a voting member of the 125th Street BID Board of Directors. He kept the BID on point and approved budgets, supported the Harlem Clean Campaign, provided extra sanitation workers, helped the BID articulate its position on what was needed with a dedicated bus lane and more. He was always looking at the situation from all sides and made sure that those who had less in the community would not be left out.  
He constantly acknowledged and praised the BID’s sanitation workers and public safety ambassadors for the work they do on 125th Street and asked us if there was something he could do to help.
Most impressive to us When the pandemic hit and everyone was working from home, Bill Perkins walked across 125th Street everyday checking out the district — sharp as a tack always acknowledging the BID during those troubling times. 
He will truly be missed!!!

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