From July 1991, a video of Reverend Al Sharpton.
Rev. Al Sharpton and the National Action Network painted red X’s on the doors of crack houses and establishments that were selling drugs and drug paraphernalia In Harlem and Bed Stuy. NAN waged a summer campaign against drugs and violence in the Community.
If you look closely. You will see Eric Adams in the march..
Boundless Theater Company at the Julia de Burgos Center
Boundless Theatre Company has announced a new residency at the Julia de Burgos Performance and Arts Center, sponsored by the Hispanic Federation! This residency is the latest step forward in a longstanding collaboration between the two nonprofits, and will take place throughout the course of the 2021-22 season.

Since 2015, Boundless Theatre has been instrumental in creating rich and diverse programming for the Julia de Burgos Center, which will increase during this inaugural residency. Programs will include two professional productions located at the center, including a Mainstage Production (December 2021) and a Spanish-language production (June 2022). Other programs will include El Barrio Raíces, a children’s arts workshop (March/April 2022 and July 2022), and Boundless Exposed, a workshop program for early-career theatre designers of color (May 2022).
Boundless Theatre also remains a key collaborator for the annual FUERZAfest Festival, produced by the Hispanic Federation. This festival is the first LGBTQ+ Latinx Arts Festival in the Northeast, and takes place annually at the Julia de Burgos Performance and Arts Center.
Boundless Theatre Company is a designer-led theatre company spearheaded by women and theatre-makers of color. Recent projects include NYC productions of Migdalia Cruz’s Fur and María Irene Fornés’ The Conduct of Life.
The Julia de Burgos Performance and Arts Center is located at 1680 Lexington Avenue. As part of this inaugural residency program, Boundless Theatre Company will be offering a discount on all productions for residents of East Harlem.
For more information about Boundless Theatre, please visit www.boundlesstheatre.org or follow @boundlesstheatre on Facebook and Instagram. For more about the Julia de Burgos Performance and Arts Center, please visit www.jdbpac.org.