The NYPD and the 28th Precinct is inviting you to their 1st HBCU College Fair that will take place on June 5th, 2021 from 1200-1600 hrs. It will take place in the rear of the 28th precinct 2271 8th Avenue (St. Nicholas btw W 122st & W 123rd St). Please share with any youth you know that may be interested in attending college. Also, if you can post on your social media accounts that would be awesome. Hope to see you there! Thank you.
Police Officer Yvonne Edwards
28TH PRECINCT Youth Coordination Officer
2271-89 8TH AVENUE
New York, NY 10027
929-281-4228 Dept cell
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“Did You Know…”
The Community Affairs Bureau offers a variety of information including personal safety tips and local events. Sign up today, by visiting for more information.” or by texting NYPD to 22828
Uptown Grand Central Strikes Again
Uptown Grand Central, our amazing business alliance group, has done a fantastic job to beautify tree pits that it protected with metal guards a few years ago.
Thanks so much, Uptown Grand Central, for all you do!
And yes, you can help beautify your community too (this weekend)!
Green and Blue Eco Care Hey everyone! How have you been?? I hope this email finds you well. Are you following us on Instagram and Facebook yet? Have you seen all the incredible events we already had this year? Feeling so grateful and humbled here. It’s amazing what we can do together! Check pictures of our events on our social media! We already collected hundreds of pounds of litter from our streets in East Harlem, bringing awareness about this major problem in our community and planet! This year we have also been planting sunflower seeds and other wildflowers on the street tree beds, for the benefit of our urban ecosystem and to beautify and uplift our community. Who can be sad or mad staring at a sunflower? The weather has been unpredictable and birds are having to adapt fast, but we hope our flowers can sustain pollinators’ lives and feed the birds too. Here’s where we planted so far: We are very excited to team up with Friends of the East River Esplanade (60th-120th st) to create pollinators gardens on our riverfront near 96th St. Join us this Saturday and don’t miss the fun. Feel free to invite your contacts. Volunteers must be 18+ for this specific event. Please RSVP. Friends of the East River Esplanade (60th-120th st) invite kids for this fun event: And this Sunday, Growing Green is hosting their first event in Harlem and we’ll be there to support them! Let’s see what many artists and dedicated volunteers can create together? Let me know if you are joining the fun. 11am in front of the Apollo Theatre. We’ll keep you posted about the events on May 22nd at the Thomas Jefferson Park and Sunshine Playground. Save the date! Cheers! Simone MarquesFounder@greenandblueecocare |