25th Precinct Meeting – Wed. June 21st

Kioka Jackson writes:

Good Afternoon All,

Can you guys believe that it is Mid-June already?  Time moves so fast!  Before I get into the Council Meeting stuff – let me first say Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads.  I hope you spend your weekend doing something just for you.  Let me also say – thank you to all that attended and/or participated in the Gun Violence Awareness event.  It was a day for us to come together and stand against the public health epidemic that continues to negatively impact our community.  Together we can end gun violence!!!!!!

We are gearing up for our last meeting of the season.  As a reminder, we do not meet in July or August – unless there is an absolute need to come together.  After speaking with a few community members – it was suggested that we develop some ad hoc committees with the purpose of continuing the work during the summer months.  We can discuss this next week.  

We hope that you will all join us for National Night Out on Tuesday, August 1st.  Location will be announced later.  We will also discuss this during our last meeting.  

We look forward to seeing you there.  OHHHH – there may be a special guest.  Stay tuned! 

Two Candidates Team Up To Try To Push Out Inez Dickens

The City reports that the two male candidates in the race for Harlem’s City Council seat have teamed-up in a push to elbow out Assembly Woman Inez Dickens.

Read more, here.

Register To Vote, Today! (Last Chance)
