A view of Zip Code 10035 from the 2020 Census. You can see that over the last 30 years, the percentage of Hispanics went down from 62% to 54% – still the largest group by far, in this zip code.

In this map of northern Manhattan (above) you can see the grayer areas where the percentage of Hispanics went down, and the yellow areas, where the percentage of Hispanics increased.
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Seen on 5th Avenue at 127th Street

Guardians of the connected world? Really?
Snowshoeing on Randall’s Island?
Stay warm with RIPA this weekend! RIPA invites you to join us on Saturday, February 5 from 3:30-5 PM for our free Hot Cocoa and S’mores event! Bring your family and friends and enjoy a tasty treat; there is even the possibility of snowshoeing for children (if there is still snow).
Please note: Most of RIPA’s snowshoes will fit children between the ages of 6-15 years old. Adults are welcome to join if they feel they can do so comfortably without snowshoes.

This event is free and registration is not required. Click here for details.
Location: North Entrance, Icahn Stadium, near Field 10