Some of the images of East Harlem’s shanty towns that were soon swallowed by the grid and development, are remarkably striking. This one is from 1870:

And is looking at the intersection of 5th Avenue and 117th Street.

This photo (above) is not located, but dated 1894 and called East Harlem Shanty town.
Debate Watch Party
A number of HNBA members had a great time in June of 2019 when we joined the first night of the Presidential Primary Debates in Harlem, NYC. Now it’s time to prepare for the Election 2020 debates!
New York for Biden+Harris has been asked to coordinate an official statewide Debate Watch Party for Tuesday, September 29th at 8pm!
Please share the image and link below far and wide.
Instagram: @newyorkforbiden2020 / Facebook: @newyorkforbiden / Twitter: @newyorkforbiden

We have to move quickly as our democracy, humanity, and sanity are on the ballot this November.
Let’s show the world who we are! #NewYorkStrong #ItsUpToUs
Your Sister in this Movement,
NYS Lead,
New York for Biden+Harris