$10,000,000 for East Harlem

Pix11 has a report on a check for East Harlem from New York State to improve conditions.


Hope in Harlem

The inaugural HOPE in Harlem Conference is taking place on Saturday May 13th.  The purpose of the conference is to celebrate the heroic efforts of mental health professionals and community members during the pandemic and shed light on mental health equity.

The conference will be followed by a Wellness Fair with resources, face painting for children, and other wellness initiatives.

Tricia Hersey, founder of the Nap Ministry and NY Times Best-selling author is our keynote speaker.

OMH Commissioner Ann Sullivan is a featured speaker. 

U.S. Congressman Ritchie Torres is just confirmed to speak and share his wellness journey.

People can register for free at the conference website www.HopeInHarlemConference.com

HNBA Reaches Out to EastView Residences

HNBA gave a presentation on litter baskets in and the DSNY budget to residents of the Salvation Army’s East View Apartments, earlier this month.
