1 Hour Photo

Anyone who smiles at this recently exposed sign on 3rd, knows how exciting 1 hour photos were in the 80s and 90s.

On of our neighbors noted that this sign is a left-over film shoot prop, and not an authentic and revealed sign:

Which has been removed.

And, Further Uptown at 127th and 3rd Avenue

Part of his evidence of this was a second store sign that he also photographed at the time when he first noticed the film processing yellow/red sign:

This bas relief by the entry to The Beatrice Lewis Senior Center caught my eye the other day:

It is certainly of it’s time.

COVID-19 Then and Now

As we all know, New York was hit hard by COVID-19 at the beginning of the pandemic as this visualization shows:

However, the situation now, is incredibly different:

To see the animated version and get sucked into the mesmerizing aspect of this horrific crisis: https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/jrkoze/3d_map_of_covid_cases_by_population_march_through/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_name=7832a3f34a9a46b1b4d9ba31d8fe7719&utm_source=embedly&utm_term=jrkoze

Housing Justice

New York’s Housing Crisis is More Dire Than Ever: 

  • Evictions are happening across New York state as COVID-19 cases rise. 
  • 1.4 million New Yorkers are unsure if they can pay next month’s rent. 
  • 92,000 New Yorkers are homeless in the midst of a deadly pandemic.
  • Evictions and homelessness lead to a higher rate of COVID-19 infections and deaths.

Who are we writing to and why?

  • Andrea Stewart-Cousins, the Senate Majority Leader and Carl Heastie, Speaker of the State Assembly
  • The Senate Majority Leader and the Speaker have the power to call the legislature back into session RIGHT NOW. 
  • The New York State legislature has the power to STOP evictions, house the homeless, and clear back rent. They are choosing inaction because they are unwilling to tax the ultra wealthy. 

How to do it: 

Option 1: Make your own card and mail it to us! 

Step 1: Grab a piece of paper and fold it in half 

Step 2: Write your housing justice message inside! 

Step 3: Decorate it however you like! 

Step 4: Mail it to:
Joseph Loonam

470 Vanderbilt Avenue,
Brooklyn NY, 11238

Option 2: Make a card online, we’ll print it and deliver it for you! 

What to Write (Personalize it!) 

Dear Andrea Stewart-Cousins and Carl Heastie, 

A housing crisis is exploding in our state. There are 92,000 homeless New Yorkers and people across the state are getting evicted due to the pandemic. 

All I want for the holidays is for everyone to be safe in their own homes. You have the power to make that happen. 

Don’t let New Yorkers spend the holidays in a shelter or on the streets 

We need you to house the homeless, stop evictions, and cancel rent for all New Yorkers. 

Our state cannot survive the pandemic any other way. 

